Product Inspection
Packaging Equipment’s offering from Peco InspX means you can trust that your product has been inspected for quality, fill levels are correct, and the product is free of contaminants.
Inspections are paramount in an industry increasingly regulated to inform and empower consumers. They remain a crucial element in ensuring production efficiency, and waste reduction, as well as brand and reputation control. They leave little room for error.
Inspections at speed are run of the mill for Peco InspX. We are also confident in the rugged reliability of these proven systems that have developed over decades to meet the demanding needs of your most challenging operations. Peco InspX has been delivering the goods since 1955 and we have had them at our side for more than 30 years.
It is a testament to the build quality of these systems that some of the equipment installed decades past still operate admirably today.
Challenging applications, such as cans, in which headspace or voids are a critical concern, must be handled quickly and accurately without interruption. Dropped flanges are another essential element only discoverable by X-ray. Contaminants must equally be recognized rapidly, accurately, and early, particularly in an era in which food safety is a global concern. These inspections can, crucially, be performed on applications for the metal in metal, glass in glass, and stone in both of those types of containers.
Glass presents its own challenges, which Peco InspX unhesitatingly overcomes with its ability to determine the existence of contaminants even with variations in glass thickness. Contaminant discovery is incredibly advanced and we at Packaging Equipment are secure in the knowledge that Peco InspX exposes glass contaminants in glass containers for both food and beverage products at any speed.
Chief among the positive aspects of this equipment is its electronic nature which lends itself to online maintenance. Coupled with Packaging Equipment’s zest for unparalleled individual customer service means Peco InspX service technicians can be dealing with South African issues online within 15 minutes. Their technicians operate from the US, the UK, and Australia, which with our own footprint of dedicated experts ensures top-notch support for even 24/7 operations.
Packaging Equipment by HG Molenaar once more maintains tight personal relations with the extremely dynamic team out of the UK. We are comfortable that, with the approach to the market, the technology, and the support, you have inspection solutions of the highest caliber from a constantly innovating organization that originates in Silicon Valley.